Lord, Teach Us TO Pray!

Make prayer a habit with our weekly planner and daily prayer journal

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Be the man you want to be!

You don’t need any more content. The breakthrough that you're looking for won’t be found in another book to read, podcast to listen to, or YouTube video to watch. It will come through consistent, disciplined prayer.

Use the Peace Planner to plan for solitude and the Joy Journal to find the focus you need for reflection. These tools will open the door for God to move in your life.

Prayer helps us move towards the life we want.

  • A life of mental, physical and emotional HEALTH
  • A life of MARGIN and room to breathe
  • A life that you enjoy and find fulfillment in

Featured Products

Peace Planner

The first step of making traction towards the life you want is becoming aware of how you currently spend your time. You might think that due to all the things currently screaming for your attention, you don't have enough time to accomplish all the things you need to do, and much less all the things you want to do!

But what if you discovered that you spent 2-3 hours a day scrolling through social media and reading pointless articles and watching Netflix? You need a tool that will help you get clear on how you spend your days so that you can move towards the life you want.

The Peace Planner is a distraction-free time budget and time allocator that will help you create healthy habits in your life while making progress towards your dreams.


Joy Journal

The Joy Journal is a both a mirror and a gym for your soul. It will give you the solitude and reflection required to take an honest look at your life and evaluate if you are heading in the direction you want to go.

Through consistent, daily journaling you will develop the grit to take action and move towards the life that you want. Journaling in the Joy Journal is a micro healthy habit that can fuel your self-discipline to the point where it overflows into all other areas of your life.